美觀重建案例---自體斷裂牙面重新黏著自體斷裂牙面重新黏著 三年追蹤 Re-attachment 3 years f/u. 三年多前急診病人拿著牙齒斷裂面求診,竟然是我國中同學(診間相見歡,喔不,別不好意思)!我當然想要幫她最大的忙,再怎麼厲害的樹脂,還是比不過天然法瑯質與牙本質,我把它以貼瓷步驟黏著,竟然驚人得追蹤到三年多還很穩定.記錄一下. 週末的審美案例同學郭益嘉分享這類案例,讓我眼睛一亮.這種案例以前在教學醫院通常不會這麼做的,大家不太相信與確認這樣的預後穩定性.目前paper追蹤到最多7年多,我也來好好追蹤一下.剛好跟國中同學聯繫感情. 3 years ago, I have a dental emergency case. The patient hit her rotated upper incisor, and came to my clinic with a fractured piece of the tooth. I cleaned the fractured enamel/dentin and bonded to the nature tooth using bonding porcelain procedure. Today, the reattachment piece was still stable there, very good!